Results for 'León Antonio Joannis-Ortiz'

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  1.  19
    Características del nuevo estratega financiero, estudiantes de maestría en finanzas.Luz-Elena Guzmán-Ibarra, León Antonio Joannis-Ortiz & Efraín Torralba-Chávez - 2022 - Human Review. International Humanities Review / Revista Internacional de Humanidades 11 (4):1-24.
    El objetivo de este estudio fue determinar si las características de estratega son adquiridas al realizar un posgrado, la población de interés fueron estudiantes de maestría en finanzas, la muestra fue de 87 alumnos en grupos trimestrales durante dos años consecutivos.Usando metodología de enfoque mixto, un cuestionario y para complementar el aspecto cualitativo, se hizo una inferencia en cada resultado.Las hipótesis “Existe un sinnúmero de características que el estudiante universitario debe desarrollar y el estudiante universitario adquiere 80% de las características (...)
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    The fateful entanglements of psychoanalysis, cybernetics and digital media: Lydia H. Liu: The Freudian robot: Digital media and the future of the unconscious. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2011, xi+302pp, $24.00 PB.Leon Antonio Rocha - 2011 - Metascience 21 (2):435-438.
    The fateful entanglements of psychoanalysis, cybernetics and digital media Content Type Journal Article Pages 1-4 DOI 10.1007/s11016-011-9570-0 Authors Leon Antonio Rocha, Department of History and Philosophy of Science, University of Cambridge, Free School Lane, Cambridge, CB2 3RH UK Journal Metascience Online ISSN 1467-9981 Print ISSN 0815-0796.
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    Filosofía del derecho para un mundo post pandemia.Antonio Mesa León - 2022 - Anales de la Cátedra Francisco Suárez 56:441-446.
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    Garantismo constitucional y cosmopolitismo en la era postpandemia. Perspectivas y desafíos.Antonio Mesa León - 2023 - UNIVERSITAS Revista de Filosofía Derecho y Política 42:2-22.
    La crisis sanitaria mundial ha propiciado un fecundo debate iusfilosófico en lo referente a la protección de los derechos humanos. El nuevo escenario exige respuestas nuevas por parte de la filosofía del derecho. En este trabajo se somete a crítica la teoría del garantismo constitucional de Luigi Ferrajoli, cuestionándose su idoneidad como marco de referencia para afrontar los mencionados desafíos. La crítica se centra en la concepción ferrajoliana de la democracia y en su proyección cosmopolita. Se argumentará que la extensión (...)
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    The Classification of Sex: Alfred Kinsey and the Organization of Knowledge - by Donna J. Drucker.Leon Antonio Rocha - 2015 - Centaurus 57 (2):123-125.
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    Memory reconsolidation keeps track of emotional changes, but what will explain the actual “processing”?Antonio Pascual-Leone & Juan Pascual-Leone - 2015 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 38.
    We question memory reconsolidation and emotional arousal as sufficient determinants of therapeutic change. Generating new feelings and meanings must be contrasted with activating and stabilizing the evolving memories that reflect those novel experiences. Some therapeutic changes are not attributable to a memory model alone. “Emotional processing” is also needed and is often an undeclared form of complex executive problem solving.
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    Una crítica al cosmopolitismo: psicopolítica y globalización.Antonio Mesa León - 2024 - Anales de la Cátedra Francisco Suárez 58.
    En los últimos años han adquirido especial relevancia dentro de la filosofía jurídica las teorías cosmopolitas. El cosmopolitismo supone una propuesta de gran potencial para insuflar nuevas fuerzas al ideal liberal democrático, debilitado ante los desafíos que presenta la globalización. Aunque los enfoques cosmopolitas actuales son valiosos, requieren complementarse con un análisis de las dinámicas de poder y control existentes en la sociedad tecnológica actual. La vía que se propone para ello es considerar las contribuciones recientes de Byung-Chul Han en (...)
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  8. Scientia sexualis versus ars erotica: Foucault, van Gulik, Needham.Leon Antonio Rocha - 2011 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part C: Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences 42 (3):328-343.
    This paper begins with a discussion of the scientia sexualis/ars erotica distinction, which Foucault first advances in History of Sexuality Vol. 1, and which has been employed by many scholars to do a variety of analytical work. Though Foucault has expressed his doubts regarding his conceptualization of the differences between Western and Eastern discourses of desire, he never entirely disowns the distinction. In fact, Foucault remains convinced that China must have an ars erotica. I will explore Foucault’s sources of authority. (...)
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    Casadei, Thomas, y Zanetti, Gianfrancesco. Manual de Filosofía del Derecho. Figuras, categorías, contextos. Prefacio y traducción de Fernando Higinio Llano Alonso, Tecnos, Madrid, 2023, 503 pp. [REVIEW]Antonio Mesa León - 2024 - Anuario de Filosofía Del Derecho 40.
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    Martha Nussbaum: La monarquía del miedo. Una mirada filosófica a la crisis política actual. Traducción de Albino Santos. Barcelona, Paidós, 2019, 304 pp. [REVIEW]Antonio Mesa León - forthcoming - Araucaria.
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    Neuropsychology still needs to model organismic processes “from within”.Juan Pascual-Leone, Antonio Pascual-Leone & Marie Arsalidou - 2015 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 38.
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    Reseña de La monarquía del miedo. Una mirada filosófica a la crisis política actual, de Martha Nussbaum. Traducción de Albino Santos. Barcelona, Paidós, 2019, 304 pp. [REVIEW]Antonio Mesa León - 2022 - Araucaria 24 (49).
    Martha C. Nussbaum es una figura de primer nivel en la filosofía actual. Sus contribuciones a la ética a partir del enfoque de las capacidades siguen constituyendo un hito en el pensamiento contemporáneo. Pero este libro no es una obra filosófica al uso. En lugar de edificar abstrusos esquemas teóricos o proponer ideas revolucionarias, el propósito de Nussbaum es, en apariencia, mucho más sencillo: reflexionar sobre las causas del desapego que amplias capas de la población sienten hacia el sistema político (...)
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    Thomas S. Mullaney. Coming to Terms with the Nation: Ethnic Classification in Modern China. Foreword by, Benedict Anderson. xxiv + 232 pp., figs., apps., bibl., index. Berkeley/Los Angeles: University of California Press, 2011. $49.95. [REVIEW]Leon Antonio Rocha - 2011 - Isis 102 (3):587-588.
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    Foucault, the family and politics.Robbie Duschinsky & Leon Antonio Rocha (eds.) - 2012 - New York, NY: Palgrave-Macmillan.
    Foucault, the Family and Politics presents a rich account of the politics and power relations that organize family and intimate life, advancing with and beyond Foucault's classic and more recently-published writings. The obligation to attend school, to go to work, to stay healthy, to follow the law – 'being a good son, a good husband, and so on' as Foucault wryly remarks – are frequently organized through the family. Including contributions from a range of well-known scholars and an essay by (...)
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    Socially responsible consumption: an application in Colombia.William Fernando Durán León, Sebastián Dueñas Ocampo, Jesús Perdomo-Ortiz & Lida Esperanza Villa Castaño - 2016 - Business Ethics: A European Review 25 (4):460-481.
    This study constructs a measurement scale for Socially Responsible Consumption in the particular context of Colombia. It uses a mixed qualitative and quantitative methodological approach, beginning with four focus groups and ending with a quantitative validation exercise employing Exploratory Factor Analysis. The result is a Socially Responsible Consumption measurement scale consisting of four dimensions that reflect paradigms found in the existing literature. These are, however, expressed differently in Colombia. In particular, Socially Responsible Consumption involves consumer behavior that favors corporate social (...)
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    Theoretical methodological and practical considerations about the stress.Antonio Alejandro Espinoza Ortíz, Isis Angélica Pernas Álvarez & Rosana de Lourdes González Maldonado - 2018 - Humanidades Médicas 18 (3):697-717.
    RESUMEN Con un enfoque cualitativo y alcance descriptivo, el presente artículo tiene como objetivo sintetizar aspectos de materiales publicados en diversas fuentes relacionados con el estrés para lo cual se emplea el método de revisión bibliográfica. Durante el estudio se encontraron aspectos teóricos que permiten entender la evolución del concepto, acceder a modelos, evaluar la repercusión del fenónemo y constatar instrumentos para su evaluación, así como obtener sugerencias para controlarlo. Se concluye que el estrés puede ser percibido como positivo o (...)
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    Habits and Psychological Factors Associated With Changes in Physical Activity Due to COVID-19 Confinement.Eva León-Zarceño, Antonio Moreno-Tenas, Salvador Boix Vilella, Alejo García-Naveira & Miguel Angel Serrano-Rosa - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    The confinement that COVID-19 has brought about has had a negative influence on people’s psychological health. However, this impact is not widespread throughout the population, and men and women may be affected differently and it is not known what protective factors may exist. In this sense, physical activity has classically been shown to be a habit associated with psychological health. The study aimed to analyze the impact of confinement on psychological health, taking into account gender, and perceived changes in physical (...)
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  18. Festschrift Th.G. Masaryk Zum 80. Geburtstage.Antonio Aliotta, Léon Brunschvicg, Sergei Nikolaevich Bulgakov, Benedetto Croce & Hugo Fischer - 1930 - Cohen.
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    Retorno a Bruno Latour. Pensando la teoría del actor red como un espacio urbano.Eduardo Alberto León, Nicol A. Barria-Asenjo, Jesús Ayala Colqui, Gonzalo Salas & Jorge Antonio Piedra Rosales - 2024 - Discusiones Filosóficas 25 (44):71-96.
    En este artículo se analiza la teoría del actor-red en relación con la comprensión del universo social en los estudios urbanos, la sociología y la metafísica, con un enfoque particular en el libro París: ciudad Invisible de Latour. Se sostiene que, para evaluar críticamente la contribución de Latour a la comprensión del espacio urbano, es necesario examinar la infraestructura filosófica subyacente en su trabajo. Se argumenta que la teoría actor-red aborda las discontinuidades y heterogeneidades como aspectos fundamentales para entender la (...)
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    De la política a la religión. Aspectos históricos y bibliográficos sobre los orígenes de la restauración antihegeliana, 1832-1844.Angelo Antonio Narváez León - 2023 - Daimon: Revista Internacional de Filosofía 89:7-22.
    In this work we’ll present a part of the debates that configured la indirect reception of the Hegelian philosophy through the second quarter of the XIX century. For this we’ll briefly describe the experience and path of the Verein in charge of the first edition of Hegel’s works; the, we’ll analyze the disputes over the hypothetical Hegelian republicanism; and, finally, we’ll focus on the interpretation that the Young Hegelians made of that same debate in the context of Schelling’s arrival at (...)
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  21. Confines de lo político.José Antonio Rivas Leone - 1999 - Telos (Venezuela) 1 (1):193-195.
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    Mind, Language and Morality: Essays in Honor of Mark Platts.Gustavo Ortiz-Millán & Juan Antonio Cruz Parcero (eds.) - 2018 - London: Routledge.
    Mark Platts is responsible for the first systematic presentation of truth-conditional semantics and for turning a generation of philosophers on to the Davidsonian program. He is also a pioneer in discussions of moral realism, and has made important contributions to bioethics, the philosophy of human rights and moral responsibility. This book is a tribute to Platts's pioneering work in these areas, featuring contributions from number of leading scholars of his work from the US, UK and Mexico. It features replies to (...)
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  23. El acompañamiento personal a adolescentes y jóvenes.Antonio Jiménez Ortiz - 2005 - Critica 55 (921):65-69.
  24.  34
    Definiendo Una antropología para el criminal en el chile finisecular.Marco Antonio León León - 2015 - Alpha (Osorno) 40:53-70.
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    Ideas en la configuración de la realidad.Gerardo Robles-Reinaldos & Antonio Ortiz Martínez - 2023 - Human Review. International Humanities Review / Revista Internacional de Humanidades 18 (4):1-10.
    La reflexión que se suscita presenta una visión sobre cómo en la experiencia estética la memoria emerge interfiriendo en el presente y alterando el tiempo continuo. Trataremos a través de la memoria desde diferentes visiones en las que, lejos de ser un archivo o catálogo, se plantea como un despliegue emocional de la experiencia. En la práctica artística se produce un ejercicio cognitivo que habilita la impresión de experiencias intensas. La característica que singulariza una obra de arte no solo está (...)
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    Local Public Corruption and Bank Lending Activity in the United States.Theodora Bermpei, Antonios Nikolaos Kalyvas & Leone Leonida - 2020 - Journal of Business Ethics 171 (1):73-98.
    Using a conviction-based measure, we find that local public corruption exerts a negative effect on the lending activity of US banks. Our baseline estimations show that the difference in public corruption between, for example, Alabama, where corruption is high, and Minnesota, where corruption is low, implies that banks headquartered in the former state grant 0.55% less credit ceteris paribus. Using proxies for relationship lending and monitoring, we also find that these bank characteristics weaken the negative effect of public corruption on (...)
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  27.  19
    The Use of Online Training Tools in Competition Cyclists During COVID-19 Confinement in Spain.Antonio Moreno-Tenas, Eva León-Zarceño & Miguel Angel Serrano-Rosa - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    COVID-19 confinement has supposed a challenge to the whole wide world, especially in athletes that have frustrated their expectations about training programs and competitions. Specifically, competition cyclists during confinement had lot of difficulties to train due to the need to train outside their homes. However, the increase of online training sessions, or virtual training tools could help to overcome training difficulties due to confinement although there are not studies that analyse the effects of using these types of tools in cyclists. (...)
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    Prediction of the Satisfaction With the Student Life, Based on Teaching Competence and Satisfaction With the School.Raúl Baños, Antonio Baena-Extremera & María del Mar Ortiz-Camacho - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    Corrigendum: The Use of Online Training Tools in Competition Cyclists During COVID-19 Confinement in Spain.Antonio Moreno-Tenas, Eva León-Zarceño & Miguel Angel Serrano-Rosa - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
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  30. Sense of Coherence Mediates the Relationship Between Cognitive Reserve and Cognition in Middle-Aged Adults.Gabriele Cattaneo, Javier Solana-Sánchez, Kilian Abellaneda-Pérez, Cristina Portellano-Ortiz, Selma Delgado-Gallén, Vanessa Alviarez Schulze, Catherine Pachón-García, H. Zetterberg, Jose Maria Tormos, Alvaro Pascual-Leone & David Bartrés-Faz - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    In recent years, supported by new scientific evidence, the conceptualization of cognitive reserve has been progressively enriched and now encompasses not only cognitive stimulating activities or educational level, but also lifestyle activities, such as leisure physical activity and socialization. In this context, there is increasing interest in understanding the role of psychological factors in brain health and cognitive functioning. In a previous study, we have found that these factors mediated the relationship between CR and self-reported cognitive functioning. In this study, (...)
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  31.  19
    Ethics of the future of chemical sciences.José Antonio Chamizo & Gustavo Ortiz-Millán - forthcoming - Foundations of Chemistry:1-11.
    The 2016 Royal Society of Chemistry’s report Future of the Chemical Sciences presents four different scenarios for the future of chemistry: chemistry saves the world; push-button chemistry; a world without chemists; and free market chemistry. In this paper we ethically assess them. If chemistry is to solve many of the greatest challenges facing the contemporary world, prioritization of research topics will need to be done explicitly on the basis of moral values, ​​such as solidarity and equity, but also environmental justice, (...)
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    A literatura de cordel como ferramenta para a aquisição do letramento literário em turma de 9º ano do ensino fundamental.Sebastião José Leones de Oliveira & Alexandre António Timbane - 2022 - Desleituras Literatura Filosofia Cinema e outras artes 8.
    A literatura é uma das expressões artísticas mais significativas na história das civilizações, porque o homem constrói o mundo real e imaginário. Ao analisarmos o ensino da literatura, nota-se o quanto o trabalho com essa arte, em sala de aula tem demonstrado um tanto quanto ineficaz, haja vista falta de cultura literária por parte dos estudantes. Nesse contexto, é visto na Literatura de Cordel uma fonte alternativa de trabalho com a prática literária, pois esta carrega importantes marcas e traços de (...)
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    Prácticas pedagógicas para la reconstrucción del tejido social implementadas por profesores y profesoras en zonas afectadas por el conflicto armado.Adriana Quimbayo-Feria, Andrés Gutiérrez, Elvira Cruz Ortiz, Angi López, Lusana Rivas, Aida Leon, Ana Ortega & Lucy Arco Mosquera - 2023 - Human Review. International Humanities Review / Revista Internacional de Humanidades 12 (4):1-6.
    Esta investigación reconoce la paz como un escenario en el que el conflicto está presente y en el que las diferentes posiciones deben aprender a convivir. Para ello, se plantea la pregunta: ¿Cómo se han transformado las prácticas pedagógicas de docentes y profesores en los últimos 20 años para la reconstrucción del tejido social en territorios afectados por el conflicto armado en Colombia? Estas prácticas buscan mediar las relaciones entre los individuos y sus tensiones, enseñando resiliencia y la capacidad de (...)
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  34. Mind, language and morality: essays in honor of Mark Platts.Mark de Bretton Platts, Gustavo Ortiz Millán, Cruz Parcero & Juan Antonio (eds.) - 2018 - London: Routledge, Taylor and Francis Group.
    Mark Platts is responsible for the first systematic presentation of truth-conditional semantics and for turning a generation of philosophers on to the Davidsonian program. He is also a pioneer in discussions of moral realism, and has made important contributions to bioethics, the philosophy of human rights and moral responsibility. This book is a tribute to Platts's pioneering work in these areas, featuring contributions from number of leading scholars of his work from the US, UK and Mexico. It features replies to (...)
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    Psycho-Oncological Intervention Through Counseling in Patients With Differentiated Thyroid Cancer in Treatment With Radioiodine (COUNTHY, NCT05054634): A Non-randomized Controlled Study.Nuria Javaloyes, Aurora Crespo, M. Carmen Redal, Antonio Brugarolas, Lara Botella, Vanesa Escudero-Ortiz & Manuel Sureda - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    BackgroundDiagnosis and treatment of differentiated thyroid carcinomas cause anxiety and depression. Additionally, these patients suffer hormonal alterations that are associated with psychological symptoms. This study aims to evaluate the effectiveness of a psycho-oncological intervention based on counseling to reduce anxiety and depression related to the treatment in patients with DTC.MethodsA non-randomized controlled study, with two groups [experimental group, n = 37, and control group, n = 38] and baseline and posttreatment measures, was designed. Patients in the EG received a psycho-oncological (...)
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    Teachers’ Interpersonal Style in Physical Education: Exploring Patterns of Students’ Self-Determined Motivation and Enjoyment of Physical Activity in a Longitudinal Study.Gracielle Fin, Juan Antonio Moreno-Murcia, Jaime León, Elisabeth Baretta & Rudy José Nodari Júnior - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
    This longitudinal study explored patterns of basic psychological needs and self-determined motivation, as well as its association with the teaching style and the physical activity enjoyment in a group of students. The sample consisted of 200 secondary education students (105 girls and 95 boys) aged 11 to 13 years (M= 12.65,SD= 0.79) at the start of the study. Students were assessed twice in a 22 month-period. Descriptive analyses were conducted between major variables at both time points, and to explore the (...)
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    Plagiarism, Cheating and Research Integrity: Case Studies from a Masters Program in Peru.Andres M. Carnero, Percy Mayta-Tristan, Kelika A. Konda, Edward Mezones-Holguin, Antonio Bernabe-Ortiz, German F. Alvarado, Carlos Canelo-Aybar, Jorge L. Maguiña, Eddy R. Segura, Antonio M. Quispe, Edward S. Smith, Angela M. Bayer & Andres G. Lescano - 2017 - Science and Engineering Ethics 23 (4):1183-1197.
    Plagiarism is a serious, yet widespread type of research misconduct, and is often neglected in developing countries. Despite its far-reaching implications, plagiarism is poorly acknowledged and discussed in the academic setting, and insufficient evidence exists in Latin America and developing countries to inform the development of preventive strategies. In this context, we present a longitudinal case study of seven instances of plagiarism and cheating arising in four consecutive classes of an Epidemiology Masters program in Lima, Peru, and describes the implementation (...)
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    Comparative study of socially responsible consumption measurement in three Latin American countries.Lida Esperanza Villa-Castaño, Jesús Perdomo-Ortiz, Sebastián Dueñas-Ocampo & William Fernando Durán León - forthcoming - Business Ethics, the Environment and Responsibility.
    Socially responsible consumption reflects a consumer's political and ethical act. Its measurement is dependent on the socio-economic and cultural context. Consequently, measurement instruments reflecting various behaviour profiles of global consumers have been developed. This study employs a Latin-American-specific measurement instrument to compare socially responsible consumption behaviours in Colombia, Mexico and Peru, countries with the same cultural cluster, that is they reflect a set of values shaped by religion, family, a sense of authority and a nationalist bias in their cultural pattern. (...)
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    Pandemia y los retos del desarrollo en una región colombiana.Yudy Adriana Gamboa Vesga, Pedro Fernando Delgado Jaimes, Dairo Rubiel Ortiz Isarra & Yany Lizeth León Castañeda - 2022 - Human Review. International Humanities Review / Revista Internacional de Humanidades 11 (5):1-19.
    La COVID-19 generó una crisis sanitaria, económica y social de grandes proporciones en casi todos los países del mundo. Colombia sufrió en el 2020 la peor contracción económica de su historia reciente y los logros alcanzados en los últimos años en la lucha contra la pobreza, se han revertido. Bucaramanga y las ciudades que componen su área metropolitana (AMB), no han sido ajenas a esta coyuntura. En este contexto, esta investigación indaga a profundidad sobre los efectos de la pandemia del (...)
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    The Effect of Internal Barriers on the Connection Between Stakeholder Integration and Proactive Environmental Strategies.Javier Delgado-Ceballos, Juan Alberto Aragón-Correa, Natalia Ortiz-de-Mandojana & Antonio Rueda-Manzanares - 2012 - Journal of Business Ethics 107 (3):281-293.
    This paper examines the influence of internal barriers on the relationship between the organizational capability of stakeholder integration and proactive environmental strategies. We adopt a moderate hierarchical regression model to test the hypotheses using data from a sample of 73 managers in the business education industry. The paper contributes to stakeholder theory by showing that stakeholder integration positively influences the development of proactive environmental strategies when managers perceive internal barriers to the development of such strategies. This article also explores an (...)
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    La influencia de la familia en el ocio físico-deportivo juvenil: nuevas perspectivas para la reflexión y la acción.María Ángeles Valdemoros-San-Emeterio, Ana Ponce-de-León-Elizondo, Eva Sanz-Arazuri & José Antonio Caride-Gómez - 2014 - Arbor 190 (770):a192.
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    Measuring the Project Management Complexity: The Case of Information Technology Projects.Rocio Poveda-Bautista, Jose-Antonio Diego-Mas & Diego Leon-Medina - 2018 - Complexity 2018:1-19.
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    Some Reflections on Psychoanalysis, Philosophy and Politics. Exploring the Intellectual Trajectory of Alain Badiou.Nicol A. Barria-Asenjo, Simone Medina Polo, Andrea Perunović, Hernán Scholten, Javier Camargo-Castillo, Alberto León, Gonzalo Salas, Florian Maiwald, Antonio Letelier, Brian Willems, Francisco Alejandro Vergara Muñoz, Karla Castillo Villapudua & Jesús Ayala-Colqui - 2024 - Anales Del Seminario de Historia de la Filosofía 41 (2):405-414.
    A la luz de algunas críticas recientes, en el marco de este texto se busca impulsar un debate que tiene lugar en dos frentes: por una parte, la lógica del origen de la lógica y, por otra parte, la relación entre psicoanálisis y marxismo. Para ello se recuperan algunos textos publicados por Alain Badiou hacia finales de la década de 1960, en los que polemiza con Jacques-Alain Miller alrededor de los concepto de "sutura" y "sujeto" (Zizek), para situar tanto las (...)
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    Resilience Assessment Scale for the Prediction of Suicide Reattempt in Clinical Population.David Sánchez-Teruel, María Auxiliadora Robles-Bello, José Antonio Muela-Martínez & Ana García-León - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    The objective of this work was to construct and validate an instrument for assessing resilience to suicide attempts in a Spanish clinical population that has made a previous attempt, and to verify its efficacy for predicting future suicide reattempts at 6 months. For the construction of a Scale of Resilience to Suicide Attempts the theoretical-rational strategy was used. The constructed SRSA-18 consisted of 18 items and 3 subdimensions, had high internal consistency and a high positive correlation with the Suicide Resilience (...)
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    Metacognition as a Predictor of Improvements in Personality Disorders.Antonino Carcione, Ilaria Riccardi, Elena Bilotta, Luigi Leone, Roberto Pedone, Laura Conti, Livia Colle, Donatella Fiore, Giuseppe Nicolò, Giovanni Pellecchia, Michele Procacci & Antonio Semerari - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    Estudios históricos y sociales sobre el trauma colectivo Revisitando los efectos de la violencia política en contextos latinoamericanos.Nicol A. Barria-Asenjo, David Pavón-Cuéllar, Hernán Scholten, José Cabrera Sánchez, Jairo Gallo Acosta, Jesús Wiliam Huanca-Arohuanca, Antonio Letelier, Rose Gurski, Gonzalo Salas, Tomás Caycho-Rodríguez, Alberto León & Jesús Ayala-Colqui - 2023 - Aisthesis 74:172-195.
    Este artículo explora el concepto de trauma colectivo y su aplicación en el contexto histórico y social de las sociedades latinoamericanas. La transferencia del término «trauma colectivo» desde el campo del conocimiento psicológico a la esfera social e histórica plantea preguntas sobre su legitimidad y marco conceptual. El estudio examina la fidelidad de esta transferencia conceptual y su relación con la comprensión psicoanalítica temprana de los fenómenos traumáticos. El contexto cultural europeo de finales del siglo xix y principios del siglo (...)
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    La reelaboración de la dictadura del proletariado en Antonio Negri y Slavoj Žižek.Jorge León Casero - 2021 - Claridades. Revista de Filosofía 13 (2):53-83.
    A diferencia de lo ocurrido con la lucha de clases, la mayor parte de las reelaboraciones teóricas (post)marxistas de las últimas décadas han evitado recuperar la dictadura del proletariado, si bien en su origen estaban indisolublemente unidas. Como consecuencia, su significado marxista originario sigue confundiéndose con el significado jurídico-burgués de dictadura como forma de gobierno. Frente a esta situación, el presente artículo expone la reelaboración teórica de la dictadura del proletariado realizada —desde posiciones claramente divergentes— por Slavoj Žižek y (...) Negri. En el primer caso, Žižek recupera el término explícitamente para oponerlo a la concepción liberal de democracia, por considerarla incapaz de erigirse como alternativa al capitalismo. En el segundo, si bien se elude el empleo explícito del término, se desarrolla una concepción de la democracia y lo común que recupera y adapta el significado marxista originario de la dictadura del proletariado como transición a un común(ismo) sin Estado. (shrink)
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    Contra la autonomía de lo jurídico. Las críticas a los Derechos Humanos según Ernst Forsthoff y Antonio Negri.Jorge León Casero - 2021 - Anales Del Seminario de Historia de la Filosofía 38 (1):151-162.
    The definitive establishment of public-private governance has forced to abandon the theories of political autonomy that were valid until a few decades ago. In return, there has been a boom in the autonomy of the right conceived as a recovery of the natural law inherent to Human Rights. This article rescues from oblivion the two main criticisms made in the second half of the twentieth century to Human Rights: that of the conservative jurist Ernst Forsthoff and that of the Marxist (...)
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    Monteiro António. Matrices de Morgan caractéristiques pour le calcul propositionnel classique. Anais da Academia Brasileira de Ciencias, vol. 32 , pp. 1–7. [REVIEW]Leon Henkin - 1963 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 28 (2):174-175.
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    The Theory of Knowledge in António Sérgio: between polemics and pedagogy.Carlos Leone - 2012 - Cultura:25-31.
    Este texto apresenta as linhas mestras do pensamento de António Sérgio sobre Filosofia do Conhecimento e ensaia uma interpretação delas face ao pensamento português seu contemporâneo.
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